MHD related papers
References provided by Chris
Recent papers
Sun & Han (astro-ph/0402180)
-- Structure Formation Studies for Turbulent Interstellar Medium
Padoan, Jimenez, Juvela & Nordlund (astro-ph/0311349)
-- The Average Field Strength in Molecular Clouds: New
Evidence of Super-Alfvenic Turbulence
Chatterjee, Nandy & Choudhuri (astro-ph/0405027)
-- Full-Sphere Simulations of a Circulation-Dominated Solar Dynamo:
Exploring the Parity Issue
Brandenburg & Subramanian (astro-ph/0405052)
-- Astrophysical magnetic fields and nonlinear dynamo theory:
a review
Elmegreen & Scalo (astro-ph/0404451)
-- Interstellar Turbulence I: Observations and Processes
Scalo & Elmegreen (astro-ph/0404452)
-- Interstellar Turbulence II: Implications and Effects
Pure MHD papers
2003a: Cho & Lazarian
-- Generation of Compressible Modes in MHD Turbulence
2003b: Cho & Lazarian
-- Compressible magnetohydrodynamic turbulence: mode coupling,
scaling relations, anisotropy, viscosity-damped regime and
astrophysical implications
2003c: Cho & Lazarian
-- Basic Properties of Compressible MHD Turbulence: Implications for
Molecular Clouds
1994: Goldreich & Sridhar
1995: Goldreich & Sridhar
1997: Goldreich & Sridhar
- 2001: Lithwick & Goldreich
- 2003: Lithwick & Goldreich
- Jason Maron, Goldreich, Cowley, et al.
Chronological list of papers from the star formation
- 1956: Mestel & Spitzer
- -- static magnetic fields can support regions
up to some mass, but they also slip away slowly
(ambipolar diffusion)
in the absence of ionizing radiation.
- 1974: Goldreich & Kwan
- -- propose that molecular clouds are collapsing
in free fall.
- 1974: Zuckerman & Palmer [also Zuckerman & Evans]
- -- that's impossible
because the (average) star formation timescale is a hundred
times longer than the free-fall time.
- *
1975: Arons & Max
- -- Alfven waves damp slowly and so could stall collapse
- 1975: [Scoville & Solomon]
- -- do a survey of molecular clouds in the galaxy.
- 1980: [Norman & Silk]
- -- First model of self-regulated star formation &
turbulence -- turbulence regenerated by stars.
- 1980: [Fleck]
- -- Suggests turbulence regenerated by Galactic differential
- 1981: Larson
- -- suggests that there are tight correlations between the
observable properties of molecular clouds, for instance turbulent
velocity vs. radius and density vs. radius.
- 1982: Scalo & Pumphrey
- -- Turbulent decay rate estimated in a
nonmagnetized model and argued to be not-so-fast.
- 1983: Zweibel & Josafatsson
- -- Decay rates of hydromagnetic waves.
They estimate "turbulent" decay in very imbalanced
cascades, i.e., one wave at a time, using ion-neutral
friction and nonlinear wave damping (so recalled).
- 1987: Shu, Adams, & Lizano
- -- an excellent overview of what was known about star formation
up to then.
*1989: McKee
- -- "Photoionization-regulated star formation": star
formation regenerates turbulence and ambipolar diffusion slows
down star formation. [Assumed relatively slow turb. decay.]
- 1991: Blaauw
- -- correlation between stars and clouds allow one
to estimate cloud lifetimes [10-25 Myr]
- 1992: McKee & Zweibel
- -- Incorporates magnetic fields
into the Virial Theorem for molecular clouds, attempting to
deal with static and turbulent field contributions
- 1992: Falgarone, Puget, & Perault
- -- small-scale scaling laws in molecular cloud turbulence
- 1993: McKee, Zweibel, Goodman, & Heiles (in Protostar & Planets III)
- -- a lengthy review of the role of magnetic fields in molecular
clouds as of then.
- *1995:
McKee & Zweibel and
Zweibel & McKee
- -- model the propagation of
Alfven waves in molecular clouds and show that Larson's
correlations can be explained this way.
*1996: Gammie & Ostriker
- -- a 1D version of my project -- turbulent
support against gravity
- 1996: Vazquez-Semadeni, Passot, & Pouquet
- -- decay of nonmagnetized turbulent support against gravity
*1998: Stone, Ostriker & Gammie
- -- turbulent decay rate
- 1999: Padoan & Nordlund
- -- superAlfvenic turbulence model for molecular clouds.
*1999: Ostriker, Gammie, & Stone
- -- a "2.5-D" version of my problem,
i.e., magnetic turbulence support of self-gravitating gas
*1999: MacLow
- -- another paper like SOG on decay rates (also with ZEUS)
- 1999: Zweibel
- -- review of magnetic fields in molecular clouds [Phys. Plasmas]
*1999: McKee (astro-ph/9901370)
- -- excellent review of his view of
molecular clouds, magnetic fields, etc.
- #1999: Ballesteros-Paredes, Vazquez-Semadeni, & Scalo
- -- "Clouds as turbulent density fluctuations".
Argues clouds are not long-lived
hydrostatic objects but transient objects.
- 1999: Ballesteros-Paredes, Hartmann, & Vazquez-Semadeni
- -- "turbulent flow-driven molecular cloud formation". Similar idea,
applied to the "mystery of the missing post-T-tauri stars".
- 1999: Palla & Stahler
- -- argue that clouds live for tens of millions of
years (several free-fall times) according to ages of young
stars within them. [See Hartmann 2003 for an opposing view.]
- #2000: Elmegreen
- -- "Star Formation in a Crossing Time". Argues clouds
are not in virial balance at all.
- #2001: Hartmann, Balasteros-Paredes, & Bergin
- -- "Rapid formation of
molecular clouds." Argues that molecular clouds form,
form stars, and disperse "rapidly", i.e., a "crossing time",
and therefore are not in equilibrium or virial balance.
*2002: Matzner
- -- argue that photoionization (H II) regions are very
energetic events in the life of a molecular cloud and both
invigorate its turbulence and remove mass from it.
- 2002: Ward-Thompson
- -- Science article, decent recent overview of the
field. (
- 2002: Boldyrev, Nordlund, & Padoan:
- --Scaling relations in theoretical
models of supersonic MHD turbulence
- 2002: Hartmann
- -- "flows, fragmentation, & star formation". Argues that
observations of nearby molecular clouds show behavior different
from theoretical expectations.
*2003: Kudoh & Basu
- -- a 1D version of my project.
Larson -- more in-depth recent overview of the field
- 2003: Vazquez-Semadeni, Ballesteros-Paredes, & Klessen
- -- a rather interesting view of star formation.
- 2003: Hartmann
- -- argues Palla & Stahler were wrong about the ages of
stars found in molecular clouds, and that clouds are young
- *2003: Hartmann
- -- [in Star Formation at High Angular Resolution];
argue that young stars are never held up by magnetic fields
and that ambipolar diffusion is irrelevant
*2004: MacLow & Klessen
- -- a review of why they don't think magnetic fields are important
- #2004: Clark & Bonnell
- -- star formation in unbound clouds (no support needed)
* useful preparation for a talk introduction
The rest of the papers are provided for their historical context.
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